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MPLS Works Together

Minneapolis’ success

is built on ground-up relationships,

not top-down mandates.

Yes to employee-employer partnerships.

No to the labor standards board.


An unbalanced approach:
What's wrong with a labor standards board?

A labor standards board would disrupt the partnerships that already exist between employees and employers.

Minneapolis has always been a city where collaboration between employees and employers fosters a thriving local economy. This partnership has been a cornerstone of our community's vibrancy, inclusivity, and prosperity. However, a new City Council proposal for the creation of a labor Standards board threatens to disrupt this balance, potentially undermining the collaborative spirit that drives our city's success.

The proposed labor standards board aims to impose a broad array of new regulations and standards on businesses. Decisions about staffing, wages, benefits, training and more will be taken away from employers and given to an unelected, unaccountable board.

Minneapolis is already home to some of the most robust worker protections in the country. The proposed labor standards board is not needed to maintain this productive collaboration between employers, employees and the community.

This proposal could create barriers to continued economic recovery and revitalization. The diverse nature of Minneapolis' industries requires solutions that are tailored to specific needs, not a one-size-fits-all mandate.

The success of Minneapolis hinges on the ground-up relationships within our community,
not top-down mandates. Employers and employees have shown that they can work together to keep Minneapolis a dynamic place to live, work, and visit.

It is crucial to protect the autonomy and collaborative spirit that have made our city strong.
By opposing the labor standards board, we can ensure that Minneapolis remains a place where both employees and employers thrive together.

Click here to see a draft of the LSB resolution.

The case against a labor standards board


Decimate Small Employers

Businesses across Minneapolis are costly to operate and not only compete with surrounding communities, but across the world. More regulations threaten their ability to stay open.


BIPOC-owned Businesses at Risk

This board will threaten the viability of all businesses, but particularly hit hard will be BIPOC-owned businesses that are the cultural fabric of our communities and have often overcome significant challenges to operate.


Unprecedented Scope

Decisions about staffing, wages, benefits, training and more will be taken away from employers and given to an unelected, unaccountable board. Decisions on operations will be made by a board that has no stake in the business.

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Focus on Revitalization

We must work together to preserve Minneapolis’ recovery and ensure small businesses across the city can grow and thrive.

Take action!

Contact your city council member & the mayor and sign the petition now!



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